Disembarking a flight after crossing multiple time zones and in the company of snoring co-passengers has always been a good enough reason to curse the long journey and the time wasted doing nothing but waiting for the destination to arrive. I was in one such situation this morning! Grabbing my bags and hoping the immigration officials do not deport me for stepping on their soil in such an unkempt way; I was making my way out of the airport when an old lady asked if she can make a phone call to her son from my phone. I handed over my phone to her and waited for her to finish talking to her son. Apparently her phone had died off and she wanted to check with her son when he would arrive to pick her up from the airport. As we waited for her son to arrive; freezing in sub zero temperature; I kept fantasizing about a hot water shower and a quick nap to calm my racing nerves down. As if trying to grab some of my mind space and competing with the wandering thoughts of wh...