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Showing posts from August, 2018

Musings on Being Happy!

My last post on Facebook (on August 15 th ), defined my idea of Freedom.  Everything that makes me feel free in my spirit, soul and heart.  It probably didn’t go down well with a few critics who messaged saying that my idea of life is too idealistic and that I have lost touch of reality.  The message to me was “face the fact that there are issues around and stop always being so positive and upbeat about life as if the world is a perfect place to live in”..(In so many words).. Thank you critics for inspiring me to write this blog.  This blog is also a trigger from a deep conversation that I had with a friend who was kind enough to open his heart and let me peep into his vulnerabilities.  I don’t mean to shut my critic, please keep inspiring and I hope that what I write here today resonates with many at large and my friends, in particular. I liked what my critics said – World is not a perfect place to live in.. but for me “the world begins with me...